Co-Founders of JaxFund (formerly Arizae) travel to Ukraine for Spring Break to deliver humanitarian aid

Thank you to our incredible community for helping us collect so much aid for Ukraine. We have packed up 8 XL duffle bags to take with us, stuffed with everything from medical supplies, emergency life-saving medical devices, night vision goggles, body armor, bulletproof vests, and notes of hope. We will fly out this weekend to meet with refugee families first, volunteer at refugee camps along the border, and then cross the border into Western Ukraine to visit employees and friends. Along the way, we plan to share letters of love expressed through pictures and messages shared by American children. Dozens of handwritten cards, some translated into Ukrainian, will be passed out in hopes of lifting Ukrainian spirits. Thank you so San Domenico School and Mt. Tam School for your students’ incredible kindness.


Delivering Insulin and Diabetes Supplies to Refugees


JaxFund (formerly Arizae) transfers $220K to our partners on the ground in Ukraine